You want a long healthy life? So do your teeth! Because of the germs that our mouths deal with every day, the life of a tooth is a perilous one. If you do find yourself suffering from a problem with your teeth, gums, or tongue, your dentist will likely draw up a regimen of both over-the-counter and dental prescription solutions. Below is an overview of some common oral ailments and treatments.
1. Dry mouth
If your mouth or throat feels dry, often a good gulp of water can clear up the problem. But if the feeling of a dry mouth and throat persists, you may suffer from a very different condition than dehydration. People who suffer from dry mouth have salivary glands that don’t produce enough saliva, making it difficult to swallow or speak comfortably. The medical term for dry mouth is xerostomia. It is typically a symptom of an adverse reaction to some form of medical treatment, such as medication or chemotherapy. For very severe dry mouth, your healthcare provider may prescribe dry mouth medications like Salagen or Evoxac.
2. Gingivitis
Healthy gums form a solid home base for healthy teeth. You know that you have to floss, based on (many) lectures from your dental hygienist. But do you know why? Besides removing stray food debris, flossing helps strengthen your gums, and leaves them less prone to diseases.
Bad brushing techniques leave plaque behind, causing a malady called gingivitis. Gingivitis is one of the leading causes of chronic bad breath. For a straightforward case of gingivitis, generally a patient simply needs to get rid of the plaque that has built up. Typically a teeth cleaning at the dentist’s and a better dental health routine will do the trick. Your dentist may also recommend an over-the-counter antibacterial mouthwash and possibly other gingivitis medications.
3. Periodontitis
If gingivitis goes unchecked, it can lead to more a more serious gum disease, called periodontitis. Periodontitis eventually breaks down the tissues between teeth and gums. This insidious gum disease leaves pockets between the teeth and the gums, allowing bacteria to get in and create infections. Someone with periodontitis will require a deep-cleaning from a dental health professional. Once the deep cleaning is complete, the patient may require antibacterial medication for gum disease treatment. Prescriptions like Doryx, Monodox, and Avidoxy can help kill the bacterium that threatens the health of teeth on the road to recovery.
Gum disease exhibits symptoms in teeth, as well. If you have tooth sensitivity, the culprit is often the bacteria gathered in the gums. Unchecked gum disease can also lead to other toothy problems, such as tooth-loosening and receding gums.
Before an urgent trip to the dentist, practice some easy, preventative measures. You already know to brush your teeth, but have you ever considered upgrading your equipment? Many dentists recommend electric toothbrushes to ensure a thorough cleaning. If you don’t want to make battery-powered technology part of your oral care routine, don’t forget to massage your gums with your manual toothbrush for a bit of healthy stimulation. Visit our
Oral Care and Dental Care Conditions page for more information about oral and dental health and to print or download free discounts for popular dental medications.
By Diana, HelpRx Staff Blogger