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Zafirlukast Information:
What is zafirlukast?
Zafirlukast is a prescription drug that helps treat and prevent asthma symptoms when used as directed. Unlike rescue inhalers, zafirlukast is not intended for use during asthma attacks. Zafirlukast works by inhibiting naturally occurring chemicals in the body that cause swelling of the airways. Talk to your doctor to determine if zafirlukast is right for your type of asthma.
How do I take zafirlukast?
Take zafirlukast tablets whole on an empty stomach around the time every day. Do not crush, chew, or dissolve zafirlukast tablets.
Before taking zafirlukast, tell your doctor if:
- You are allergic to this or any other medications
- You have a history of liver disease
- You are taking anticoagulants like warfarin
- You are taking any other supplements or medications
- You are pregnant or plan to become pregnant
- You are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed
What are the possible side effects of taking zafirlukast?
The most common side effects associated with zafirlukast include worsening asthma symptoms, headache, sore throat, trouble sleeping, and nausea. Call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms like shortness of breath, hallucinations, changes in mood, aggression, and tingling sensations.
What if I forget to take a dose of zafirlukast?
If you forget to take a dose of zafirlukast, take it as soon as you remember, or skip it if it’s close to your next schedule dose. Do not double up on your next zafirlukast dose to make up for a missed dose.
How do I store zafirlukast?
Store zafirlukast drug tablets in a room with a temperature between 67 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not expose zafirlukast tablets to extreme heat, cold, or excess moisture. Keep zafirlukast tablets out of reach from children.
What happens if I overdose on zafirlukast?
An overdose on zafirlukast may cause symptoms like shortness of breath or rapid heartbeat. Get medical attention right away if you overdose on zafirlukast.
Do not take zafirlukast if you are pregnant unless your doctor recommends it. Zafirlukast does not treat asthma attacks and it should not be used to replace rescue inhalers.
Brand Names
Prescription zafirlukast is a generic medication that treats asthma. Generic medications offer a cost-effective alternative to brand name treatments, and contain the same or similar active ingredients approved by the FDA for safety and effectiveness. To help lower the cost of both brand name and generic medications, remember to use HelpRx pharmacy savings coupons.

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